The simplest script

Section author: Gavin Huttley

This is just about the simplest possible cogent3 script for evolutionary modelling. We use a canned nucleotide substitution model (the HKY85 model) on just three primate species. As there is only one unrooted tree possible, the sequence names are all that’s required to make the tree.

>>> from cogent3.evolve.models import HKY85
>>> from cogent3 import load_aligned_seqs, make_tree
>>> model = HKY85()
>>> aln = load_aligned_seqs("data/primate_cdx2_promoter.fasta")
>>> tree = make_tree(tip_names=aln.names)
>>> lf = model.make_likelihood_function(tree)
>>> lf.set_alignment(aln)
>>> lf.optimise(show_progress=False)
>>> print(lf)
Likelihood function statistics
log-likelihood = -2494.9537
number of free parameters = 4
   edge    parent    length
  human      root    0.0040
macaque      root    0.0384
  chimp      root    0.0061
     A         C         G         T
0.2439    0.2581    0.2428    0.2552