What apps are there?

Apps perform functions ranging from multiple sequence alignment (e.g. progressive_align), to excluding alignment columns containing non-nucleotide characters (e.g. omit_degenerates) to performing maximum-likelihood evolutionary analyses (e.g. model).

Apps that are identified as “composable” (with a value of True under that clumn) can be combined into a single function by addition.

from cogent3 import available_apps

module name composable doc inputs outputs data type
cogent3.app.align align_to_ref True Aligns to a reference seq, no gaps in the reference. Returns an Alignment object. sequences aligned, serialisable SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.align progressive_align True Progressive multiple sequence alignment via any cogent3 model. Returns an Alignment object. sequences aligned, serialisable SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.dist fast_slow_dist True Pairwise distance calculation. Uses fast (but less numerically robust) approach where possible, slow (robust) approach when not. Returns a DistanceMatrix. aligned pairwise_distances, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo ancestral_states True Computes ancestral state probabilities from a model result. Returns a dict with a DictArray for each node. model_result result, tabular_result, serialisable model_result
cogent3.app.evo bootstrap True Parametric bootstrap for a provided hypothesis. Returns a bootstrap_result. aligned result, bootstrap_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo hypothesis True Specify a hypothesis through defining two models. Returns a hypothesis_result. aligned, serialisable result, hypothesis_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo model True Define a substitution model + tree for maximum likelihood evaluation. Returns model_result. aligned, serialisable result, model_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo natsel_neutral True Test of selective neutrality by assessing whether omega equals 1. Under the alternate, there is one omega for all branches and all sites. aligned, serialisable result, hypothesis_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo natsel_sitehet True Test for site-heterogeneity in omega. Under null, there are 2 site-classes, omega < 1 and omega = 1. Under the alternate, an additional site-class of omega > 1 is added. aligned, serialisable result, hypothesis_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo natsel_timehet True The branch heterogeneity hypothesis test for natural selection. Tests for whether a single omega for all branches is sufficient against the alternate that a user specified subset of branches have a distinct value (or values) of omega. aligned, serialisable result, hypothesis_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo natsel_zhang True The branch by site-class hypothesis test for natural selection of Zhang et al MBE 22: 2472-2479. Note: Our implementation is not as parametrically succinct as that of Zhang et al, we have 1 additional bin probability. aligned, serialisable result, hypothesis_result, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.evo tabulate_stats True Extracts all model statistics from model_result as Table. model_result, serialisable result, tabular_result, serialisable model_result
cogent3.app.io load_aligned True Loads aligned sequences. Returns an Alignment object. aligned, serialisable DataStoreMember, str, Path
cogent3.app.io load_db True Loads json serialised cogent3 objects from a TinyDB file. Returns whatever object type was stored. serialisable
cogent3.app.io load_json True Loads json serialised cogent3 objects from a json file. Returns whatever object type was stored. serialisable
cogent3.app.io load_tabular True Loads delimited data. Returns a Table. tabular, serialisable DataStoreMember, str, Path
cogent3.app.io load_unaligned True Loads unaligned sequences. Returns a SequenceCollection. sequences, serialisable DataStoreMember, str, Path
cogent3.app.io write_db True Writes json serialised objects to a TinyDB instance. serialisable identifier, serialisable
cogent3.app.io write_json True Writes json serialised objects to individual json files. serialisable identifier, serialisable
cogent3.app.io write_seqs True Writes sequences to text files in standard format. sequences, aligned sequences, aligned, identifier ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.io write_tabular True writes tabular data tabular_result, tabular identifier Table, DictArray, DistanceMatrix
cogent3.app.sample concat False Creates a concatenated alignment from a series. Returns an Alignment.
cogent3.app.sample fixed_length True Sample an alignment to a fixed length. Returns an Alignment of the specified length, or NotCompleted if alignment too short. aligned, serialisable aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.sample min_length True Filters sequence collections / alignments by length. Returns the data if it satisfies the condition, NotCompleted otherwise. sequences, aligned, serialisable sequences, aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.sample omit_bad_seqs True Eliminates sequences from Alignment based on gap fraction, unique gaps. Returns modified alignment. aligned, serialisable aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.sample omit_degenerates True Excludes alignment columns with degenerate conditions. Can accomodate reading frame. Returns modified Alignment. aligned, serialisable aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.sample omit_duplicated True Removes redundant sequences, recording dropped sequences in seqs.info.dropped. Returns sequence collection with only unique sequences. sequences, serialisable, aligned sequences, serialisable, aligned ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.sample omit_gap_pos True Excludes gapped alignment columns meeting a threshold. Can accomodate reading frame. Returns modified Alignment. aligned, serialisable aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.sample take_codon_positions True Extracts the specified codon position(s) from an alignment. Returns an Alignment. aligned, serialisable aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment
cogent3.app.sample take_named_seqs True Extracts (or everything but) named sequences. Returns a filtered sequences, alignment that satisified the condition, NotCompleted otherwise. sequences, aligned, serialisable sequences, aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.sample trim_stop_codons True Removes terminal stop codons. Returns sequences / alignment. sequences, aligned, serialisable sequences, aligned, serialisable ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.translate select_translatable True Identifies most likely reading frame. Returns modified sequences / alignment, if it could be resolved, NotCompleted otherwise. sequences, aligned sequences ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.translate translate_seqs True Translates sequences, assumes in correct reading frame. sequences, aligned sequences, aligned ArrayAlignment, Alignment, SequenceCollection
cogent3.app.tree quick_tree True Neighbour Joining tree based on pairwise distances. pairwise_distances tree, serialisable DistanceMatrix
cogent3.app.tree scale_branches True Transforms tree branch lengths from nucleotide to codon, or the converse. Returns a Tree. tree tree, serialisable PhyloNode, TreeNode
cogent3.app.tree uniformize_tree True Standardises the orientation of unrooted trees. Returns a Tree. tree tree, serialisable PhyloNode, TreeNode
cogent3.app.composable user_function True wrapper class for user specified function

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