Custom composable apps

You can make a simple customised app using the user_function app. This is a wrapper class that takes a reference to your function and the input, output and data types. The resulting app can then become part of a composed function.

Defining a user_function requires you consider four things.


A function you have written. This is required.


A type, or collection of type that your function can handle. This setting dictates what other apps have an output that is a compatable input for your function.


A type, or collection of type that your function produces. This setting dictates what other apps can have yours as input.


The data class names, as strings, that your function can handle. Not required, but useful.

A simple example

We make a very simple function first4, that returns the first 4 elements of an alignment.

>>> def first4(val):
...     return val[:4]

Now we define a user_function instance that takes and returns an ALIGNED_TYPE.

>>> from import user_function, ALIGNED_TYPE
>>> just4 = user_function(first4, input_types=ALIGNED_TYPE, output_types=ALIGNED_TYPE, data_types="Alignment")

The repr() of your user_function instance indicates the wrapped function and the module it’s in.

>>> just4
user_function(name='first4', module='__main__')

You use it like all composable apps which we demonstrate using a small sample alignment.

>>> from cogent3 import make_aligned_seqs
>>> aln = make_aligned_seqs(data=dict(a="GCAAGCGTTTAT", b="GCTTTTGTCAAT"), array_align=False)
>>> result = just4(aln)
>>> result
2 x 4 text alignment: a[GCAA], b[GCTT]

Renaming sequences

This time we wrap a method call on a SequenceCollection (and the alignment sub-classes) for renaming sequences. We also illustrate here that to support both aligned and unaligned data types as input/output, we have to include these in the construction of the custom function.


The SERIALISABLE_TYPE indicates the data has the ability to be converted to json.

>>> def renamer(aln):
...     """upper case names"""
...     return aln.rename_seqs(lambda x: x.upper())
>>> rename_seqs = user_function(renamer,
...                             input_types=(ALIGNED_TYPE, SEQUENCE_TYPE),
...                             output_types=SERIALISABLE_TYPE,
...                             data_types=("SequenceCollection", "Alignment", "ArrayAlignment"))
>>> result = rename_seqs(aln)
>>> result.names
['A', 'B']

A user function for with a different output type

In this example, we make an function that returns DistanceMatrix of an alignment.

>>> from import user_function, ALIGNED_TYPE, PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_TYPE
>>> def _get_dist(aln):
...     return aln.distance_matrix(calc="hamming", show_progress=False)
>>> get_dist = user_function(_get_dist, input_types=ALIGNED_TYPE,
...                          output_types=PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_TYPE,
...                          data_types=("Alignment", "ArrayAlignment"))
>>> result = get_dist(aln)
>>> result
          a         b
a    0.0000    6.0000
b    6.0000    0.0000